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What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment that takes a hands-on, practical approach to problem-solving. Its goal is to change patterns of thinking or behavior that are behind people's difficulties, and so change the way they feel. CBT provides strategies to implement in everyday life that helps an individual cope with adverse life experiences.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is based on the idea that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviours, not external things, like people, situations, and events.  The benefit of this fact is that we can change the way we think to feel / act better even if the situation does not change.


What is Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)

IPT is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on relieving symptoms by improving interpersonal functioning. It addresses current problems and relationships rather than childhood or developmental issues. Therapists are active, non-neutral, supportive and hopeful, and they offer options for change.


  • is structured

  • is time-limited (active phase is usually 12–16 weeks)

  • focuses on interpersonal relationships and communication

  • focuses on here-and-now relationships

  • aims to improve interpersonal functioning and social support.


CBT is effective with the following issues:

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • anger

  • stress

  • adverse life experiences

  • bullying (academic distress)

  • interpersonal and relationship difficulties (including communication skills and conflict resolution)

  • stress management

  • life transitions and adjustment

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